
This website would not have been possible without the efforts of several individuals.

Laura Gold, owner of Park South Gallery at Carnegie Hall in New York City, has for over 20 years helped me acquire most of the posters in the collection. Sally Minker, who holds both a BFA and MFA, did the original researching and cataloging of the posters in the mid to late 1980’s. Allison Kroll picked up where Sally left off in the summer of 2002 between graduating from the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore (BFA, painting) and starting her graduate work (MFA candidate, painting and art history) at Queens College in New York. Allison photographed the posters, added to the research that Sally began, organized the collection, created a bibliography relating to the history of the posters, and in all ways made something coherent out of chaos. Galen Strazza of Galen Studio Inc. designed the website. Delores Snowden, who has worked for me for over 25 years, tirelessly pulled all the details together.

To all of you, my deep thanks and gratitude.

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